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The development of scientific and technological foundations for the implementation of integrated geotechnologies for the extraction and processing of high-quality quartz.

01 December 2014

Sokolov I.V., Kornilkov S.V., Sashurin A.D., Kuzmin V.G., Shemyakin V.S. / Mining Magazine, 2014. issue № 12

The methodology for creating an advanced scientific and technological base for the industrial implementation of advanced underground mining and processing techniques, which significantly reduces losses and increases the yield of high-quality quartz concentrates during the development of a unique quartz deposit, has been described. Based on a preliminary analysis of current mining, geological, engineering, and economic conditions, as well as existing technical solutions, key indicators for the newly developed geotechnology have been identified. These indicators will be achieved through pilot testing. The main goals and objectives of theoretical and experimental research have also been defined.

Full article in the Mining Magazine

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